Dr. Alex Deschamps Scholarship

This scholarship was established in honor of Dr. Alex Deschamps, a vital and vibrant faculty member of the University of Massachusetts Amherst community. She joined the faculty of Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies in 1995, before moving to the Commonwealth Honors College as a full-time Associate Dean in the fall of 2018. This award is for current UMass students majoring or minoring in WGSS and doing work preferably but not exclusively on black feminisms or women of color feminisms. The work could be related to current or planned coursework, internships, jobs, or activist projects.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Do you work on campus?
  2. Are you a WGSS major or minor?
  3. What is your primary major if not WGSS?
  4. What are your other minors? Honors? Certificates? Dual Degree?
  5. What is the scholarship project or activist work for which you seek support?
  6. Why are you doing this specific work?
  7. Is this work associated with a class? If so, which class?
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