Jane Addams Sociology in Practice Award

This award recognizes one or more sociology majors who have proven their ability to apply sociological ideas and insights to pressing sociological problems. Did you apply your sociological insights to a summer job or internship? Or to a project you are working on? This application will ask that you craft an essay reflecting on how sociological thinking has enhanced your understanding of a social issue or problem that you were involved in. Consider in your reflection what you learned from the experience.

Supplemental Questions
  1. The Jane Addams Award recognizes one or more sociology majors who have proven their ability to apply sociological ideas and insights to pressing sociological problems. Did you apply your sociological insights to a summer job or internship? Or to a project you are working on? Submit a 1-2 page statement reflecting on how sociological thinking has enhanced your understanding of a social issue or problem that you were involved in. Consider in your reflection what you learned from the experience.