CWC YIS Scholarship: My UMass Bystander Moment
In honor of CWC’s 50th Anniversary (est. 1972) we are delighted to announce the YIS We Will scholarship for the 2024-2025 Academic Year.
What is it? One $1,000 award to acknowledge UMass undergraduates who have stepped up as active bystanders using YIS strategies. YIS is a bystander intervention program developed by and for UMASS Amherst students.
Who is eligible? Undergraduate UMass students of any major, in academic good standing with a minimum 2.0 GPA who will be enrolled Fall 2025.
What does the application include?
Applicants will share their “YIS Moment” – a time they stepped in as an active bystander at UMass Amherst – in a short essay or video.
Before applying, please read through full application guidelines available here:
Applications Due by March 24, 2025.
- Award
- $1,000
- Deadline
- 03/24/2025
- Supplemental Questions
- I confirm that I am in good academic standing with at least a 2.0 GPA.
- I confirm that I don't have any conduct violations related to violence, harassment, or hazing and give the scholarship selection committee permission to check my student conduct record to confirm that the above is true.
- Electronic Signature (Type Full Name)
- Today's Date
- I grant permission to the Center for Women & Community (CWC) to publish and disseminate my essay or video [“the Piece”] both digitally and in print. I also guarantee that the Piece does not infringe any copyright, violate any property rights, or contain any libelous or other actionable matter. I will indemnify and hold harmless the CWC at the University of Massachusetts, the University of Massachusetts, its trustees, officers and employees from any claim, suit, proceeding or prosecution (and any resulting liability, loss, expense or damage) asserted or instituted by reason of the publication or sale of the said contribution. I grant the rights to the Piece discussed in paragraph a. without claim to royalties or other compensation. I hereby consent to disclosure to the public of the Piece, and waive any and all FERPA rights that may be applicable. This consent shall remain in effect until revoked by me, in writing, and delivered to CWC. With publication as consideration, I release any and all copyright protections and rights to the Piece.
- Electronic Signature (Type Full Name)
- Today's Date
- I understand I must upload my essay (as a PDF), slides, or video here within 12 hours of completing this application.