Adrian Beau Meyer Forestry Scholarship

The Adrian Beau Meyer Forestry Scholarship was established by friends of Mr. Meyer, who had a passion for nurturing the environment. The scholarship is awarded to assist a junior or senior forestry major with educational expenses, such as books, supplies, tuition, or other college-related expenses. Recipients must have a GPA of 3.0 or greater, and preference will be given to students from Berkshire County, Massachusetts. If no student from Berkshire County applies for the scholarship, the award will be made to a student from any of the other three Western Massachusetts counties: Hampshire, Hampden or Franklin.

Supplemental Questions
  1. What is your expected graduation date (Month/year)?
  2. What is your NRC Concentration?
  3. What is your current cumulative GPA out of 4.0?
  4. Are you from one of the following western Massachusetts counties, and if so which one? Berkshire, Hampshire, Hamden, and Franklin. We define being "from" a county as being born there and living there for a period of time in childhood, and/or having this as your permanent residence and not just where you are living while you attend college.