Grace K. Fey Scholarship

This scholarship was established in honor of the former Chair of the UMass Board of Trustees to provide recognition and financial assistance to an outstanding student on the basis of both merit and need. Eligible applicants must be full-time sophomores with a cumulative GPA of 3.5. They must also be residents of Massachusetts. This scholarship is open to all majors, with preference given to mathematics, sciences, and nursing. The scholarship provides one $1,500 annual award. The award is renewable contingent upon the recipient continuing to maintain all eligibility criteria.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload your unofficial transcript.
  2. Please upload your current resume.
  3. What is your proposed occupation?
  4. Please enter the name and email address of your recommendation provider.
  5. Please write an essay about why you have chosen your current course of study at UMass.
  6. Please write an essay about a person or persons you admire and why.
  7. Please describe how being awarded the Grace K. Fey Scholarship will help you achieve your educational and career goals.
  8. I agree that my completed scholarship application form, personal statement/essay, resume, transcript, letters of recommendation, UMass general application information and financial aid award information (if applicable) can be reviewed by the University of Massachusetts Foundation Scholarship Committee. I also give permission to release such information to the donors, should I be selected as a recipient.
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